Wednesday, May 18, 2011


- Roman citizen and a practicing Jew
- He began his ministry at the age of 30
- The governor of the Roman province of Judaea sentenced Jesus to death
Persecution of the Christians

  • Romans were harsh towards those who didn't worship the emperor
  • The Christians were viewed as a cult
  • Christianity grew quickly, by AD 200 around 10% of the people in the Roman empire were Christians

Thursday, May 5, 2011


The Romans three governments all rolled into one: 
The Patricians:
The higher class of Rome
The Plebians:
The lower class of Rome (basically all citizens except for slaves)
Consisted of about 5,000 men
There were about 60 centuries in a legion

Friday, April 29, 2011


Julius Caesar
Mark Antony
Tiber River God
Caesar Augustus
Pax Romana ... DUH
Circus Maximus
Roman Legion

Monday, April 18, 2011

25-33 Multiple Choice
1 Essay


  1. What happened in 776 B.C. ? - The Olympics began
  2. Which of the following was an Olympic event? -  discus, pankration, jumping, wrestling 
  3. What was the formation soldiers used? - phalanx
  4. What was the mane of the Greek soldiers? - hoplites
  5. Hwo did the Greeks fight more than any others? - the persians
  6. Which of the following was not a battle the Greeks had against the persians?A. Battle of Marathon , B. Battle of Thermopole , C. Battle of Gaugamela , D. Battle of Issus , E. Peloponnesian War
  7. At what age were kids trained in Sparta? - 7
  8. What was Sparta's Strength? - infantry (land fighters)
  9. What was the Odessy about? - Odeseus was a hero from the trojan war
  10. The illiad was about the trojan war
  11. What were the thre main columns in architecture? Doric, Ionic, Corinthian
  12. When was the parthenon built? - 447 B.C. (the GOLDEN AGE)
  13. The parthenon had doric columns
  14. Three Goals of Pericles? - he wanted to glorify athens, he wanted to strengthen democracy, he wanted to expand the empir
  15. In the Hegora they have discussions
  16. Where were the pottery places found? - in low respected areas
  17. Euclid pioneered geometry
  18. Socrates, Plato, Aristotale
  19. Aristotle taught Alexande the Great
  20. The trial and life of Socrates
  21. Socrates taught people to take better care of their souls "The unexamined life is not worth living"
  22. Platos Cave

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


Katie: 92/100

  1. How did Socrates teach people?
  2. Who did Socrates mainly teach?
  3. Who were the main philosophers?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Taylor: 87/100

  1. What is Homer's most famous writing?
  2. Was Homer blind his whole life?
  3. Why did Odysseus have an affair?
Billy: 65/100
  1. Why was it called the Hellenistic age?
Sarah: 85/100
  1. Why was the Parthenon built?
  2.  What main sculpture was in the Parthenon?

Clark: 83/100
  1. Who were the major people in math and science in Ancient Greece?
  2. How did Plato find to believe that the planets moved in a circular motion?
  3. What was Pythagoras famous for?
Catherine: 89.1642/100
  1. What were the Minoan pots like?
  2. How did they get the kilns to be so hot?
  3. What kinds of designs did they usually make?
Gracie: 90/100
Christi: 100/100
  1. Why was Socrates sentenced to death?
  2. What was Socrates' most famous writing?
  3. What did hemlock do to you?